Incoming students must be three years of age by September 31.
Children accepted into PK3 should display the following developmentally appropriate skills/behaviors:
Completely potty trained before the first day of school
Follows simple directions
Respond to instruction by the teacher
Recognize that biting and hitting are not tolerated
Religion: Through Bible stories, songs, daily prayers, attending monthly prayer services, children gain an understanding of God’s love for all.
Language Arts:
Oral - The children learn to express themselves through exposure to an expanded vocabulary, songs, stories, poems, and fingerplays.
Written - The children explore a variety of tools to trace, write, and color.
Reading Readiness- The children develop reading readiness skills through daily story time and letter and sound recognition activities.
Math: The children develop number awareness, shape identification, color recognition, sorting, patterns, and counting skills using a variety of manipulatives.
Science: The children are encouraged to observe their surroundings, participate in experiments, and make discoveries through an active process of inquiry and investigation. Students are also exposed to many different types of sensory bins.
Social and Emotional: The children are encouraged to use their words to express themselves, to take turns, and to be kind to others.